EUROfusion, Fusion Science - Work program Plasma Wall Interaction and Exhaust (WP PWIE)

Type of project: international

Duration: 2021 - 2025

Project leader: Doc. Dr Sabina MarkeljCode: WP PWIE Coworkers: Dr Esther Punzón Quijorna, Dr Mitja Kelemen, Prof. Dr Primož Pelicon, Zdravko Rupnik, Dr Primož Vavpetič, Dr Andreja Šestan ZavašnikExternal coworkers: Dr Sebastijan Brezinšek (WP PWIE project leader)Laboratories: Laboratory for fusion research

EUROfusion’s Fusion Science programme is designed to coordinate experiments to gather as much physics knowledge as possible to ensure the efficient experimentation in ITER once it begins operations.  WPPWIE is a key Work Package for the development and implementation of EUROfusion’s strategy on plasma-facing materials (PFM) compatible exhaust solutions and plasma-wall interactions (PWI) induced limitations regarding lifetime and safety. WPPWIE deals with conventional metallic PFMs, as used in ITER (Beryllium and Tungsten) as well as advanced materials for both the divertor (e.g. fibre-reinforced tungsten) and the main chamber (e.g.  EUROFER or advanced steels), which are currently explored for the later use in DEMO.