Doc. Dr Sabina Markelj

Field of research of dr. Markelj is the study of interaction of hydrogen isotopes with materials. Due to the many hydrogen related strategically important applications for the development of mankind (fusion, hydrogen fuel cells, plasma treatment, etc.) this field is very lively and competitive. In order to be able to create paths for new discoveries and knowledge, the researcher had to take an innovative approach in her research path, especially in the development of new techniques and the use of different measuring tools. Her main tools are ion beam methods (hydrogen isotope depth profiling in materials) and spectroscopy of vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules (the method is based on dissociative electron capture into hydrogen molecules). Since 2012, she has focused on the studies of retention and transport of hydrogen isotopes in tungsten with a damaged crystal lattice, trying to reproduce the irradiation damage that will result from neutron irradiation in fusion reactors. The specialty of her research is that she monitors processes on and below the surface in situ and in real time.