Dr Primož Vavpetič

The main field of activity of dr. Vavpetič represents analysis of spectra acquired by IBA (Ion Beam Analysis) methods, research in all areas of ion beam use on a micro scale utilizing research line with a nuclear microprobe, mentoring and training with guidance of younger associates in the use and management of ion accelerators, organization of ion accelerator use and service schedule of research equipment intervals. He is also very active in the field of development and upgrading of research equipment, as he combines the technical spirit of an engineer and a critical and an in-depth insight of a scientist into technological issues in the development of new equipment. Dr. Vavpetič, as the main operator of the ion accelerator, also conducts lectures and laboratory visits at all levels for all visitors who are interested in a detailed insight into the use and operation of ion accelerators and the impact of research in this field on modern society.