Dr Andreja Šestan Zavašnik

After finishing her undergraduate thesis on the topic of microstructural characterization of a solid oxide material that can convert waste heat to electricity, Andreja Šestan Zavašnik was employed by the Department for advanced materials (K9) as an associate. There, she was involved in the development and microstructural characterisation of improved oxide semiconductor thermoelectrics.
In 2014, she got involved in the establishment and operation of the Centre for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis (CEMM), which acts as an infrastructure centre within the Jožef Stefan Institute. She established and managed the sample preparation laboratory for electron microscopy. She trained students, doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers from different faculties and institutes in the field of electron microscopy and advanced sample preparation methods. She was involved in domestic and international research projects, as well as in cooperation with different industrial partners. After a one-year scientific exchange at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (MPIE), she returned to JSI and continued working on her PhD work on microstructural analysis and evaluation of tungsten and tungsten-based composites for fusion applications. Andreja joined the team at the Microanalytical Center as an associate in 2023.
Her current projects are focused on the interdisciplinary use of analytical electron microscopy techniques and X-ray diffraction in the field of ion implantation. The core of her research remains advanced methods of electron microscopy, with an emphasis on analytical scanning electron microscopy methods.