Dr Marijan Nečemer

Main activities of dr. Nečemer are oriented towards application of X-ray fluorescence based analytical techniques in various fields like authenticity of food products, plant physiology, archaeometry, characterization of pharmaceutical, waste products etc. Besides this, radiological monitoring and control of nuclear facilities, foodstuffs and the environment are further topics. He published more than eighty scientific articles and book chapters. Recently investigations, which attract public attention on global scale, are related to authenticity, traceability of food. The scope is development of simple, fast and cheap statistical models for food origin characterization based on realistic parameters of elemental and stable isotopic fingerprint in contrast to widely and common done practice of only paper traceability of food products. Within the frame of COST initiative, 18 states are involved with the aim to popularize application of Total Refelection X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry on environmental topics. He is a national representative in the ISO commitee (ISO/TC 201/SC 10 (X-ray Reflectometry (XRR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis).