Dr Eva Menart

Dr Menart began her research, which combines science and cultural heritage, during her studies, after which she obtained a doctoral scholarship from University College London and in 2013 a PhD in Heritage Science.
After her doctorate, she started working at the National Institute of Chemistry in the Department of Analytical Chemistry, where her research in electrochemistry was focused mainly on gas sensors for detecting the deterioration of heritage materials (eg. Horizon 2020 Nanorestart project). Since the end of 2016, she has been employed at the National Museum of Slovenia, participating in the ARRS programme Archaeological and Archaeometric Research of Portable Archaeological Heritage since 2017. She has been additionally employed at the Jožef Stefan Institute through the programme since the end of 2018.
Her research includes analysis of heritage objects with an emphasis on non-destructive methods (XRF, PIXE) and interpretation of results. She is also engaged in research in the field of preventive conservation, where she participates in international and national projects. Dr. Menart also takes part in the COST action PortASAP on the topic of portable and low-cost analysis tools and instruments, where she leads a task force for cultural heritage applications. From 2021 she is the head of The Department of Conservation and Restoration of the National Museum of Slovenia.