Prof. Dr Iztok Arčon

Prof. Dr Iztok Arčon is a full professor for the field of physics, employed at the University of Nova Gorica and part time at J. Stefan Institure (F2). His main research field is analysis of atomic and molecular structure of new functional materials (different catalysts and photocatalysts, cathode materials for Li-ion, Li-sulphur and Mg-sulphur batteries, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic ceramics, …) and analysis of environmental pollution (soil, water and plants) with X-ray absorption spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation (methods XANES, EXAFS), In addition, he uses synchrotron radiation for experimental study of multielectron photoexcitations in free and bound atoms, to provide information on collective motion of electrons in the atomic system, and exact atomic absorption background in EXAFS spectra. He performes experiments with advanced sychrotron radiation techniques at different European synchrotron radiation laboratories (PETRA III at DESY, Hamburg; Elettra, Trieste; ESRF, Grenoble; Alba in Barcelona; Soleil, and previously Lure, Paris,). Until 2020 he published more than 180 scientific papers in reviews with high impact factor and his work is highly cited (over 2300 citations). He received national “Zois award” for outstanding achievements in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in 2006. He is ESUO (European User Synchrotorn Organisatio) delegate for Slovenia. He is a member of project evaluation committees at four synchrotron radiation facilities (PETRA III at DESY, CERI-ERIC at Elettri, ESRF and Soleil).