Structured light as a tool for the formation and analysis of new states of matter
Type of project: national project
Duration: 2021 - 2024
Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr Matjaž ŽitnikCode: J1-3012Coworkers: Doc. Dr Andrej Mihelič, Doc. Dr Klemen Bučar, Špela KrušičExternal coworkers: Dr Giovanni De Ninno, Dr Alessandra Ciavardini, Dr Federico Galdenzi, Dr Barbara ResselPartners: University of Nova Gorica, Jožef Stefan Institute Laboratories: Laboratory for electron spectrometry
The main goals of the scientific research we propose are summarized below: 1) We propose the development of a new method for the generation of a pulsed, directional, localized magnetic field with tunable duration (nanometer space scale, femto-nanosecond time scale). 2) We propose setting up a new method based on OAM light diffraction that will enable topological reconstruction of nanostructures and time-resolved research of magnetic helicoidal dichroism. 3) As a fundamental question related to the above, we plan to further examine the laws and practical possibilities that determine the transfer of OAM to atoms. To achieve these goals, we will use the long-term expertise of the groups of the University of Nova Gorica and the Jožef Stefan Institute. Cooperation will be strengthened by the support of the theoretical group of the University of Halle. Cooperation with the group from CEA Paris and the group from the University of Cergy Paris, as well as with the groups using the Fermi free electron laser in the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste laboratory, is also planned. Experimental activities will be carried out by groups at the University of Nova Gorica, at the Jožef Stefan Institute and with the FERMI free electron laser at Elettra.