Laboratory for electron spectrometry
Jožef Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39,
SI-1000 Ljubljana,
Leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr Matjaž ŽitnikCoworkers: Doc. Dr Andrej Mihelič, Doc. Dr Klemen Bučar, Mateja Hrast, Špela Krušič, Dr Žiga Barba

In the Laboratory for electron spectrometry we address the basic research in the field of experimental atomic physics. Our main focus electron and ion spectroscopy after electron excitation of gaseous targets. The experimental equipment consists of a universal vacuum chamber with different electron detectors (electrostatic plan-parallel and hemispherical), ion time of flight spectrometer and an electron gun (2 keV). Most of the equipment was developed and build in our lab. With available NIM and VME electronics (HV power supplies, coincidence modules, pulsers, delays, TDC) several types of (non)coincidence experiments can be performed.
Recently, an electron spectrometer of magnetic bottle type was built as an independent setup that enables mutielectron coincidence studies. Electron beam excitation of the target is what makes this instrument unique.