Study of ammonia interactions with metal surfaces – adsorption, isotope exchange

In present and future fusion devices nitrogen seeding is planned to be used to enhance radiative cooling of edge plasma in the divertor region and thus reducing the power load to the wall, in particular to the divertor targets. Understanding the details of fusion edge plasma motivates recent increased research activities targeting relevant hydrogen/nitrogen plasma and material interaction. The candidate would study isotope effects connected to formation and evolution of ammonia isotopologues on a tungsten surface. Our goal is to understand and quantify adsorption of ammonia and exchange of hydrogen isotopes from ammonia molecules adsorbed on different metals like stainless steel. Ammonia production and decomposition is relevant also for hydrogen storage studies.
Markelj, S., Založnik, A., Čadež, I., 2017. Interaction of ammonia and hydrogen with tungsten at elevated temperature studied by gas flow through a capillary. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35, 061602. link