Lecture: Nuclear Physics with Exotic Rays at GSI/FAIR
On Monday, March 17 at 14:15, associate professor Dr Jelena Vesič will give a lecture on this topic as part of the Monday Physics Colloquium at the Faculty of Physics, UL.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is one of the largest fundamental research projects in the world. The accelerator complex is currently being built on the premises of one of the leading laboratories for nuclear physics, GSI (GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy Ion Research), Germany. Its existing accelerator facilities will become part of FAIR and will serve as the first acceleration stage. Including Slovenia, nine partners and one associated partner are currently member states of FAIR. Unlike many such large projects with highly specific science goals, FAIR is planned to serve the interests of four major research communities: high-energy nuclear physics, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and astrophysics, atomic and plasma physics, and hadron physics using antiprotons. NUSTAR, standing for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, is the largest nuclear physics collaboration in the world. It has been initiated as one of the four research pillars of FAIR. Until the FAIR facility becomes operational for the first experiments, a Phase-0 experimental program is being pursued at GSI employing already available experimental set-ups. This talk will provide an overview of current research opportunities and Slovenian involvement in the NUSTAR physics program.
Cookies, tea