NDS - Laboratory for Dosimetry Standards

Jožef Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39,
SI-1000 Ljubljana,

T: +38614773651, +38614773416


For calibrations and irradiations, please contact the head of the laboratory directly.


Leader: Boštjan ČrničCoworkers: Klara Poiškruh


The main interrelated activities of the NDS laboratory are the calibration of ionising radiation instruments and the maintenance of a secondary reference standard in the field of dosimetric quantities (air kerma) and in the field of radiation protection quantities (dose equivalents, surface emission).

In the NDS laboratory, calibrations and irradiations of (active and passive) dose and dose rate meters (γ-radiation and X-radiation) and calibrations of contamination meters (surface emission of α and β particles) ensure the dissemination of metrological traceability at national and international level.

For calibrations and irradiations, please contact the directly.

We calibrate and irradiate all types of radiation protection instruments:

  • portable dose (rate) meters (ambient dose equivalent H*(10), air kerma Ka) (Fig. 1)
  • dose meters (e.g. electronic dosimeters, passive dosimeters) (personal dose equivalents Hp(10) and Hp(0,07)) (Fig. 2)
  • ionisation chambers (Fig. 3)
  • surface contamination meters (Fig. 4)



Fig. 1 Dose rate meter


Fig. 2 Personal electronic dosimeter (right) and personal passive dosimeter (left)


Fig. 3 Ionisation chamber


Fig. 4 Surface contamination meter


The following resources are available for calibrations of γ-ray and X-ray radiation meters:

Cs-137, Co-60, Am-241 and N-series X-ray spectra (N-20 to N-300)

according to ISO 4037:2019 (parts -1 to -4), X and gamma reference radiations for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy

X-ray spectra of the RQR, RQA and RQT series (RQR/RQA-3 , RQR/RQA-5, RQR/RQA-7, RQR/RQA-8, RQR/RQA-9 and RQT-8, RQT-9, RQT-10)

and the X-ray spectra of the mammography series RQR-M and RQA-M (RQR/RQA-M1 , RQR/RQA-M2 , RQR/RQA-M3 , RQR/RQA-M4)

in accordance with CEI/IEC 61267:2005, Medical diagnostic equipment - Radiation conditions for use in determination of characteristics.


Sl. 5 Cs/Co irradiator


Fig. 6 Am irradiator


Fig. 7 Comet X-ray machine


Fig. 8 Seifert X-ray machine


The following area sources are available for calibration of surface contamination meters:

  • α radiation sources: Am-241, U-238
  • β radiation sources: C-14, Cl-36, Sr-90, Cs-137, Tc-99

both according to the infinite area source method of NPL GPG No 14


Fig. 9 Area sources


Our calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC) are published in the Key Comparison DataBase (KCDB) of the BIPM. All data are publicly available on the BIPM website.

The traceability of the kerma and dose equivalent standards is ensured indirectly by secondary ionisation chambers (Fig. 10), and the traceability of the surface emission standard is ensured directly by calibration of the area sources in the primary laboratories (Fig. 11).


Fig. 10 Secondary ionisation chambers:

  • (top) LS 01: traceability of Cs-137, Co-60, Am-241 and N-series X-ray quality sources;
  • (bottom left) TW 34060: traceability of RQR, RQA and RQT diagnostic spectra
  • (bottom right) RC06M: traceability of RQR-M and RQA-M diagnostic spectra and N-20 to N-60 series X-ray qualities


Fig. 11 Area sources with an active area of 10 x 10 cm² for calibration of surface contamination meters


Ionisation chambers and area sources are periodically sent for calibration to the primary laboratories or to a secondary IAEA laboratory traceable to the primary laboratories.



Calibration / Irradiation capabilities

  • High-activity sealed sources (HASS): Cs-137, Am-241
  • Sealed gamma source: Co-60
  • X-ray system 1: 15–320 keV (ISO 4037 narrow spectra (N), IEC 61267 diagnostic spectra: RQR, RQA, RQT)
  • X-ray system 2: 2–60 keV (IEC 61267 mammographic diagnostic spectra: RQR-M, RQA-M)
  • α radiation: Am-241, U-238
  • β radiation: C-14, Cl-36, Sr-90, Cs-137, Tc-99


Dose rate range:  

  • 0–0,18 Gy/min
  • 0–0,1 Sv/h

Dose range:

  • 0–10 Gy
  • 0–10 Sv


Gamma and X-ray energy ranges: 10–1250 keV

Duration of irradiation: up to 16 hours as standard, up to 60 days with intermittent irradiations

Range of variation of radiation intensity: up to 107 (different qualities), up to 105 (Cs-137)

Distance between the radiation source and the isntrument: up to 7 m

Main use of the laboratory: calibrations, irradiations, testing, research


Dosimetric quantities:

  • Air kerma[Gy]
  • Ambient dose equivalent H*(10), personal dose equivalent Hp(10) and Hp(0,07) [Sv]
  • Surface emission: α, β [s⁻¹]



  • Maintaining the traceability of a reference standard - Ionizing radiation
  • Calibrations



  • Calibrations

The Laboratory for Dosimetry Standards (NDS) was established in 1992 at the F-2 Department of the Jožef Stefan Institute with the aim of providing Slovenia with high-quality metrological support in ionising radiation measurements, especially in the field of protection of people and the environment against ionising radiation.

The NDS is the only laboratory in Slovenia that offers traceability in the field of ionising radiation quantities. It has been accredited for its activities since 2003 by the Slovenian Accreditation according to the ISO / IEC 17025 standard (accrediation certificate LK-017) and in 2009 it was appointed as a national standard holder (NNE) in the field of ionising radiation by the Metrology Office of the Republic of Slovenia (MIRS). The laboratory is included as an NNE in the Slovenian National Metrology System, which is managed by the Slovenian Metrology Office.

We are actively engaged in the work of Technical Committee for Ionizing Radiation (TC-IR) of the international organisation EURAMET.

In 2015, modern metrology equipment - a calibration system for mammography X-ray meters - was handed over to the NDS under the project "Metrology System Infrastructure - Ionising Radiation". The metrology equipment was purchased by the Metrology Office of the Republic of Slovenia with funding from the European Regional Development Fund.

In 2020, the old Cs-137 and Co-60 calibration sources were replaced by new sources: a Cs-137 source with an initial activity of 355 GBq (the main source for calibrations and irradiations) and a Co-60 source with an initial activity of 3.7 GBq.

In 2021, the old Pantak X-ray system was replaced by a new Comet X-ray system operating in the anode voltage range 15-320 kV.