FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research

Jožef Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39,
SI-1000 Ljubljana,


Leader: Dr Jelena VesićCoworkers: Assoc. Prof. Dr Matjaž Vencelj, Žiga Brenčič, Gregor Košir


High-Resolution In-Flight Spectrosopy/Decay Spectroscopy (HiSpec/DeSpec) experiments aim for high-resolution spectroscopy after decay of an unstable atomic nucleus, or of excited states in exotic nuclei after nuclear excitation. The experiments are addressing key issues in nuclear structure, reactions and nuclear astrophysics at the limits of nuclear existence. The basic tool is a high resolution γ-ray spectroscopy array, complemented by various ancillary detector systems to discriminate the isomeric γ rays of the nuclei of interest from the unwanted background radiation (the expected total rate of the desired signal is around 0.001-1 decays per second, with background rate of around 100-500 per second per detector). A key veto system based on BGO (bismuth germanate) detectors was optimized by our group, including the optical transport simulations, development of readout electronics and photodiode placement optimization. A second generation of readout is currently underway, including automated temperature compensation and diagnostic subsystems and is to be tested in 2022. We have been actively involved in the HiSpec/DeSpec Phase 0 experiments. We are also involved in the instrumental build-up of HISPEC-10, aimed at investigation of short lived or chemically inert nuclei.


DESPEC set-up for FAIR phase 0


The central instrument of NUSTAR collaboration is Super-FRS. The uniqueness of FAIR accelerator system is in its feature that it is the only one in the world that will be able to produce extremely intense, high energy beams of the heaviest naturally occurring element, uranium. Exotic nuclei will be produced either by its fragmentation or fission. The reaction products will be separated from the primary beams using SFRS. SFRS along with its beamline detectors will enable event-by-event identification of exotic nuclei. High acceptance of SFRS, as well as high energy/intensity primary beams and usage of the state of the art detector systems will enable the sensitivity of experiments necessary to reach the limits of nuclear existence for many isotopes.

The main instrument of the NUSTAR collaboration is the Fragment Separator (FRS), to be superseded by a more capable SFRS, designed to be the only magnetic separator in the world, able to separate intense beam of ions of any element, up to uranium. Mass slectivity of the (S)FRS is further drastically improved with a TOF mass separator – for the latter, we have developed an electrostatic lens stabilization monitor and shortly after the installation achieved the world record in mass resolution of TOF spectrometers. We have participated in FAIR phase 0 SFRS experiments.

Slovenian team is involved in the development of the experimental equipment required for accurate measurements of extremely high voltages. We are also involved in the development of the simulations toolkit used to predict the behaviour of the FRS-IC that allows experiment operators to have a better and more in-depth understanding of the system.


FRS-IC scheme


The R3B experiment at FAIR will be the only facility worldwide providing the capability for kinematically complete measurements of reactions with relativistic heavy-ion beams up to around 1 AGeV, which provides sufficiently high resolution to enable a comprehensive experimental investigation of fundamental questions relating to nuclear-structure, astrophysics, and properties of bulk (isospin-asymmetric) nuclear matter. The CALIFA (CALorimeter for the In Flight detection of γ-rays and light charged pArticles) calorimeter that will surround the reaction target, is one of the key detectors of the R3B facility, accordingly it is optimised for the requirements of the ambitious physics program proposed by the R3B collaboration. For the R3B collaboration, we have assembled and characterised 60 detector elements for the CALIFA scintillation calorimeter.

FAIR seminar at JSI 2022

A series of seminars on FAIR is on programme tentativelly in the first half of 2022. The initiative aims to disseminate among Slovenian scientists, engineers, and students the knowledge about the FAIR accelerator centre in construction at Darmstadt (Germany), one of the world's largest centres of this type. The seminars will discuss the main research topics of FAIR (NUSTAR, CBM, PANDA, APPA), the status of the project, and above all - the participation of Slovenian research groups in this project. The seminars will be organized in a hybrid form - both live and using one or the other video conferencing method. Recorded seminars will be available in this folder.


The first seminar was held as JSI Colloquia on Wednesday, March 16th, 2022, at 11:15AM. Prof dr Paolo Giubellino and Mr Joerg Blaurock (both GSI/FAIR, Darmstadt, Germany) had a lecture titled "The Universe in the Lab". The lecture is available below:

The second seminar "Research Opportunities and Perspectives of NUSTAR at FAIR" was held by Dr Jürgen Gerl, FAIR/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany on Tuesday, March 29th at 10:00AM in the big lecture hall at JSI, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana. NUSTAR, standing for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, is the largest nuclear physics collaboration in the world. It has been initiated as one of the four research pillars of the mega-science project FAIR, under construction at GSI. NUSTAR relies primarily on the availability of exotic rare isotope beams produced by fragmentation reactions and fission of relativistic heavy ions. Construction of the FAIR buildings and production of the machine and experiment components is proceeding well. Until the FAIR facility will become operational for first experiments in 2025, a Phase-0 experimental program is being pursued at GSI employing already available experimental set-ups.

The presentation provided an overview of current research opportunities as well as the perspectives for NUSTAR physics at GSI/FAIR.

The lecture took place in English, it is now available below:

The third seminar of the FAIR series will be held on Monday, May 23rd, 2022 at 10AM,

Prof Dr Marco Durante will talk about the recent advances in particle therapy. The lecture will be accessible live via ZOOM link here.

Radiotherapy is one of the most common and effective therapy for cancer. Generally, patients are treated with X-rays produced at electron accelerators. The use of high-energy charged particles was proposed several years ago, both for their physical and radiobiological advantages compared to X-rays. Particle therapy is now becoming an emerging technique in radiotherapy. Protons and carbon ions have been used for treating many different solid cancers, and several new centers with large accelerators are under constructions. However, there is currently an open debate on the cost/benefit ratio of this technique.

The Biophysics group at GSI had in the past years an intense activity in the 12C-ion therapy pilot project. The treatment of tumours at the base of the skull and brain was extremely successfully, using the technique of raster scanning (see figure). The therapy project paved the way to ion therapy in Europe, leading to the construction and planning of several clinical accelerator facilities. However, several research issues are still open in this field, for instance: predicting RBE of different particles in the tumours and in the normal tissue; treatment of moving targets; impact of genetic background on sensitivity; effects on angiogenesis and metastatic potential; fractionation; hypoxia; combined treatments with chemo- and immunotherapy.

This talk identifies the open research questions and shows some recent data recently obtained in some of these fields.



GET_INvolved Short Term
Internships (within the

Field of Internship: FAIR/GSI offers a limited number of internships to undergraduate and post graduate students for practical training assignments.

Level: Internship part of their curriculum

Internship Provider: GSI/FAIR

Internship can be taken in Darmstadt, Mainz, Jena and Juelich

Eligibility: In order to be eligible
for a contract of association as a
trainee, the student must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be enrolled in a full-time higher education course (Students who have already commenced doctoral studies are not eligible here however they can apply Sandwich Doctoral Programme)
    • First cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) EQF 5/6 – from 5th semester onwards only!
    • Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7
  • Be specialized in one of the following field: applied physics, computing, mathematics, electrical, electronic, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation for accelerators and particle physics experiments, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, surveying, ultra-high vacuum, scientific communication. A very limited number of places may be available in administrative fields: project management
  • Have a good knowledge of English
  • Return to his/her educational establishment after completion of his/her stay at GSI/FAIR


2 months onwards in line with requirement by the home University


Selected students may receive some support to pursue internships. (limited)




Slovenia: Dr. Jelena Vesic

GSI/FAIR: Dr. Pradeep Ghosh



Processing time

6 weeks



Traineeships (vocational

Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc) abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions from Programme countries at their Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates.

By doing this traineeship within the GET_INvolved framework supported with ERASMUS+, you have an opportunity to work at an excellent science research center and GET_INvolved into a structured international Project environment. Not only your communication, language and inter-cultural skills will be improved but also hard and soft skills.

Eligibility: In order to be eligible
for a contract of association as a
trainee, the candidate must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be in their higher education cycle [EQF 5 and above] Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral Programme. "Cycle" refers to the level of study as defined by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):
    • First cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) EQF 5/6 – from 5th semester onwards only!
    • Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7
    • Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8




  • From ERASMUS+: The financial support is primarily from the ERASMUS+ Programme. This includes subsistence and travel grant from the European Union. The value of this funding depends on ERASMUS+ funding regulations.
  • From GET_INvolved Programme: In addition to the ERASMUS+ support, the Programme may decide to support a few students with help in organizing the accommodation. Not every trainee qualifies for this support. This decision will be based on their merit and availability of the accommodation at our Guesthouse.


2 months onwards up to 12 months.


Slovenia: Dr. Jelena Vesic

GSI/FAIR: Dr. Pradeep Ghosh


No, however University may have their administrative deadline at least two times a year!

Processing time

2 weeks



GET_INvolved Sandwich Research
Experiences at GSI (During PhD)

The Programme is ideally for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions from all over the world at their PhD studies. By doing this Sandwich PhD within the GET_INvolved framework, you have an opportunity to work at an excellent science research center and GET_INvolved into a structured international Project environment.

Eligibility: In order to be eligible
or a contract of association as a
trainee, the PhD student must:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be in their higher education Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8




2 months onwards up to 12 months.


From Your University/Institute:

  • The financial support is primarily from your own institution or responsibility of the applicant.
  • This includes cost for subsistence, mandatory medical health Insurance and costs for travel to Darmstadt.
  • The value of this funding depends on each institution/applicant.

From GET_INvolved Programme:

  • In addition to the, the Programme may decide to support a few students with help in organizing the accommodation.


Slovenia: Dr. Jelena Vesic

GSI/FAIR: Dr. Pradeep Ghosh



Processing time

6 weeks

fair_logoThe Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR accelerator center is one of the largest projects for fundamental research in the world. The accelerator complex is currently being built on the premises of one of the leading laboratories for nuclear physics, GSI (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung), Germany. Its existing accelerator facilities will become part of FAIR and will serve as first acceleration stage. Including Slovenia, nine partners and one associated partner are currently member states of FAIR. The member states of FAIR signed an international agreement that also established FAIR GmbH, to which they transferred the responsibility for construction and operation of the FAIR particle accelerator. In parallel with FAIR construction, FAIR Phase-0 research program is taking place in GSI facility. Namely, phase 0 of FAIR is dedicated to in-beam use of detector systems planned for FAIR, as well as for cutting edge research programs, utilizing already existing and currently upgraded accelerator systems at GSI. These experiments are of outmost importance since they will be a starting point for FAIR day 1 experiments. Our scientists are actively involved in FAIR detectors development and procurement as well as in planning and preparation of FAIR Phase 0 state of art nuclear experiments.


Figure above: The existing GSI accelerators UNILAC, SIS18 and ESR (blue) and the FAIR facilities (red). FAIR comprises the SIS100 synchrotron; the antiproton separator and the super fragment separator (Super-FRS); the collector ring (CR); high-energy storage ring (HESR); and experimental stations for APPA, CBM, NUSTAR and PANDA. The proton linac and the CRYRING also belong to the FAIR instrumentation portfolio. Photo credit: GSI/FAIR



The efforts of our scientists are focused towards NUSTAR physics program, which implies studies of NUclear STructure, Astrophysics, and Reactions of exotic atomic nuclei relevant for the creation of the elements in the universe. More specifically, we have been mostly involved in two NUSTAR subcollaborations, namely HiSpec/DeSpec (HIgh-resolution in-flight SPECtroscopy/DEcay SPECtroscopy), SuperFRS (Super FRagment Separator).

The FAIR facility will enable parallel physics programs and will provide exceptional research opportunities for slovenian scientists, as well as immense possibilities for a tight cooperation with slovenian industry in developing new technologies. FAIR as the largest scientific international project is an opportunity to share knowledge between slovenian and worldwide collaborators in the common efforts to develop state of the art detectors and perfom cutting edge physics in experiments involving the most exotic nuclei.